Here is a sample of the weekly response – it is also your guide to using this site!

To make a post, log in to the site and enter the student username and password – these will be provided by the instructor.

Once you are logged in, you will see a sidebar on the left-hand side. This is where you will be able to add your weekly response. Click My Site and select the Community Engagement

Be sure to click add post (not page — these are different and function differently on the website).

Title your weekly responses as follows: “Week _: Your Name”

Enter your response in to the main text section.

IMPORTANT: You will need to categorize your post. In the sidebar, click Categories & Tags.
Here, you will need to check Weekly Responses and the corresponding week for your response (i.e. this post is categorized as Weekly Responses and Week 5).

You can save drafts of your post if you want to come back to it later, but make sure that when you are ready to submit your response, click publish.

When posting a comment: be sure to start with Your Name, followed by your comment.

If you have any trouble, please feel free to contact Rick at rbenjamin(at)